
Botanical Culture Member Subscription

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $35.00.

A Botanical Culture member subscription includes:

  • A hardcover copy of Nature’s Remedies: An Illustrated Guide to Healing Herbs (Chronicle Books) — signed by the author
  • Lifetime complete access to our ever-expanding Herbal Library, with new resources on healing with herbs delivered monthly
  • Free admission to future events with herbalists, herb growers, nutritionists, and holistic healthcare practitioners
  • A storehouse of natural healing power: Our members-only newsletter, discounts on high-quality herbal products, and a community that is rooting for you!


Student & Low-Income Discounts

We welcome you to be part of a community that values herbal medicine and the herbalists who share this much-needed knowledge. We also believe in breaking down barriers to gaining the skill to use herbs effectively. We offer discounts on an honor system to encourage everyone to contribute what they can. Enter your code on the following check-out page.

Student discount code: love2learn1

Low-income discount code: love2learn2

Questions? Email us